HONESDALE, PA – Honesdale Roots & Rhythm Music & Arts Festival is ramping up for its 14th year of bringing live music and live art to thousands in downtown Honesdale for free. Along with this year’s headliner, The Black Lillies, Roots & Rhythm is happy to announce three additional bands that will be taking the Main Stage.

Wayne Hancock makes music fit for any road house anywhere. With his unmistakable voice, The Train’s reckless honky-tonk can move the dead. If you see him live (and he is ALWAYS touring), you’ll surely work up some sweat stains on that snazzy Rayon shirt you’re wearing. If you buy his records, you’ll be rolling up your carpets, spreading sawdust on the hardwood, and dancing until the downstairs neighbors are banging their brooms on the ceiling. Call him a throwback if you want, Wayne just wants to ENTERTAIN you, and what’s wrong with that?

Honesdale Roots & Rhythm officially opens at 10:30 Saturday morning, June 15 with local bands along Main Street and then moves to Central Park, where attendees can enjoy arts, crafts, games and food. This non-profit event is totally free of charge, put on entirely by volunteers and supported by sponsors, donors and grants.