I have enclosed a completed application.
I have enclosed the signed Checklist and Conditions of Acceptance.
I have enclosed a check made out to Honesdale Roots & Rhythm in the total amount for the size space I have requested including any electricity charges applicable.
I have enclosed my certificate of liability insurance in the amount of no less then 1,000,000.00 naming Honesdale Roots & Rhythm Music & Arts, Inc. as additional insured.
I agree to observe standard business practices with customers.
I agree to set up by 11:00 a.m. and BREAK DOWN MY BOOTH NO EARLIER THAN 7:00 p.m. I understand that no one affiliated with Roots & Rhythm will be available prior to 8:00 a.m. day of festival to direct me to my location.
I understand that registration fees are non-refundable.
I understand that I am expected to attend, rain or shine.
Except for unloading and reloading, I agree to park my vehicle(s) only on side streets or in areas designated by the festival committee.
I agree to remove my own trash at the end of the day and understand that public waste cans are not to be used for this purpose.
I agree to hold harmless the Honesdale Roots & Rhythm Music & Arts, Inc., their executive directors, board members, and volunteers for all losses, damages, and liabilities suffered or incurred during the Honesdale Roots & Rhythm Music Festival.